The Inspiration Behind The Bracelet
What you think about is what you become. If you think about how bad things are, or how people need to act better and how the world is out to get you. That is what your focus will be on and what you will see. That is why the Bible says " Think on what is Pure, Lovely, Honest and Good. When ever you see your Bracelet, remember... you decide what you are going to think about.
Bracelet Details
Inspire Me Bracelets are made with all natural gemstones with a beautiful stainless steel engraved bar. All of our bracelets are available in 4 sizes (X-Small, Small, Medium, Large). Inspire Me Bracelets are stretch bracelets made with a double banded elastic for a comfortable fit.
Inspire Me Bracelets are made with high grade 403 nickel and lead free stainless steel to insure the bracelet will not tarnish, change color, or rust. All of our bracelets are hand made with love and make the perfect gift for everyone!